Week 6. Day 5 – Freedom: Standing in Prayer

One God. Above all, through all, in all.
Praise the Lord from the heavens; Praise him in the heights!
Praise him, all his angels; Praise him, all his host!
Praise him, sun and moon; Praise him, all you shining stars!
Praise him you highest heavens,  And you waters above the heavens!
Psalm 148:1-2

Sophia enters the rebuilt cathedral as the massive bells peal in the call to prayer.  The deep sound resonates into her being and into the city of Moscow. 

Eighty years before, as a small child she watched the cathedral be destroyed by Stalin’s order forcing sanctuaries and believers underground. The marble and gold of the demolished Orthodox church was reused to line the walls of subways deep beneath the city. Worship continued in hiding. 

On this day, unafraid, Sophia gratefully experiences an earth-bound resurrection as she enters the rebuilt cathedral. In awe, she slowly walks up the stairs, through the massive doors into the elegant grandeur of marble, gold and bright icons joining other Christians in worship.

She stands humbly near the back of the congregation, her head covered, arms at her sides, purse in hand. The magnificent sanctuary bathed in light offers no place to sit. Over the many years, Sophia has learned to hold the dignity of motionless standing within the beauty of worship.

Every scent of her being engages the ritual. Choirs with angelic song intone ancient harmonies. Giant bells toll deep vibrations as small chimes announce the Gospel readings. Incense wafts into the air. Icons, sacred representations of the Holy, invite a meditative gaze.  The taste of bread and wine feed her hungry soul.

Sophia gratefully stands in solidarity with the many who secretly held the traditions for years and who, today, worship freely and openly. 


              Breathing in:          All Praise…

              Breathing out:        … echoing into the universe.

Reflection:   Describe a time when you stood in prayer in solidarity with others.  What did you see, hear, smell, taste, feel? 

The reflection is written for the online Lenten Devotion of the Southeast Iowa synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


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